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Saturday, June 22 2013

You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance.

Psalm 65:11



If you haven’t known me very long, you might not realize that I was not raised in a Christian home.  On occasion I would ask to attend a church service, but had no real understanding of what it meant to walk with the Lord. 


Many today are affiliated with religious denominations and organizations and believing this is the way to abundance.  However, that type of mindset only serves to represent a façade.  The ONLY way to experience the abundance spoken of in this scripture is through an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.


For many, it is very difficult to trust someone else with your heart and life.  For various reasons we hold tightly to the reins of our life and steer the cart independently on our own.  When I was only 18 years old, I decided to surrender my life to Christ, the Good Shepherd.  After all, who better to steer the cart than the One who created me.


He knows every microscopic detail about ME!  When I was in my mother’s womb, HE formed me and fashioned my life with specific detail.  He set my days in order.  This, my friend, HE has also done for YOU!


One day, shortly after I decided to follow the Lord, He gave me a vision.  In this vision, I could see a very large map that revealed road after road after road.  Instantly, I saw myself walking down a certain street.  There were people hanging out of their windows, standing by the road, walking down the same street.  I had tremendous impact on these lives!


Then, God removed me from that street and placed me on a different road.  The people there just stared at me as I passed by.  On this street I had no impact! That day the Lord taught me the importance of staying on the path HE had chosen for me in life.  His chosen path would become my path of success and effectiveness. Since that day, God has been the author of all my steps.  Steve and I never make a life decision without the consultation of the Lord.



“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT unto your own understanding.  In all of your ways ACKNOWLEDGE Him and He will direct your path.” 

Proverbs 3:5-6



I would be lying to say that every path He chose for us was our choice as well…Many of the paths have been paved with great sacrifice and painful experiences, loneliness and discipline, but I CAN tell you that HIS paths have caused us to DRIP WITH ABUNDANCE!


Abundance of PEACE.


Abundance of WISDOM.


Abundance of TRUST.


Abundance of LOVE.


Abundance of CHARACTER.


Abundance of JOY.


Abundance of HOPE.


Abundance of WEALTH and RICHES.



And after all, isn’t this what we are all searching for?



 If you find yourself today desiring His goodness and you have traveled many avenues to find it, only to be left in the end unfulfilled and disappointed, I would submit to you this day…




His Paths drip with the abundance you are so looking for!  He loves you.  He loves you right where you are.  You do not have to change a thing to come to Him.  Come as you are – broken and a mess and allow the Good Shepherd to steer you to fulfillment and destiny.




Posted by: Jeneen AT 11:18 am   |  Permalink   |  7 Comments  |  Email
Beautiful words from a BEAUTIFUL, Christian lady!
Posted by Judy on 06/22/2013 - 09:19 PM
Our precious Lord and Saviour has placed you in the right time, at the right place and for the right reason. You bring glory to His holy name and are the delight of His eye. Love you sister! <3
Posted by DJ Atkinson Fee on 06/23/2013 - 01:30 PM
14 Years ago I came to Christ. I began to attend a class taught by Jeneen and Steve Kohler. They began to see something that God put in me that at the time I didn't .Today we lead Mission 615 and minister to hundreds of homeless/inner city kids on a weekly basis .God has used this ministry to encourage and minister to me and my wife. Thanks for following God. I think about this min on a weekly basis .On behalf of Me,my family and Mission 615 thank you for believing in us . Eric Anderson
Posted by Eric Anderson on 06/29/2013 - 08:14 AM
What JOY it is to have spiritual children like you and Mendy. All those years we spent together in training, we had no idea the fullness of what God had in store for ALL of us. Steve and I are so proud of you and Mendy and your beautiful family. The Best Is Yet To Come. To God Be All the Glory!
Posted by Jensen on 06/29/2013 - 09:48 AM
Dearest Jeneen, you have blessed me yet again! I love the vision you had & how specific God was in showing you that on the one path, you made an impact on people; but, on the other, you did not. Continue to pray for me. God never, ever leads us down "dead end roads", does He?! I crave His Light to not only guide my way; but to also "impact" others through me along this life's journey. May you continue to drip with His abundance!!! &#127801;
Posted by Angela \o/ on 07/06/2013 - 11:38 PM
So funny that God gave me this for Clear Hope's Shoutout on 06-19-13. “And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 NIV Each one of us can be encouraged by Jesus being very clear when in John 15, He said, “You did not choose Me, I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won’t spoil.” We have been tenderly made, richly embroidered to His specifications, and have received His gifts, talents and abilities â€" unique to each of us. For this day, for such a time as this, let us walk dripping with the abundance His goodness has provided us. You know those crazy dogs that get out of water and just shake it onto everyone and everything that is nearby â€" let’s splatter!
Posted by Lisa Flanagan on 07/09/2013 - 12:33 PM
I LOVE this, Lisa. The same spirit was speaking the same message to both of us on opposite sides of the country at the same time! God is amazing and faithful to speak. I love you girl!
Posted by Jeneen on 07/09/2013 - 02:36 PM

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