They said to one another, “Here comes this dreamer!” Genesis 37:19
What can I say? I am one of those - A DREAMER! I always have been, even as a little girl. No matter what situation I find myself in, there is always a greater dream within my heart. Dreaming for me has never been a product of discontent! I simply thrive on the confidence of knowing I am a Child of the Most High, therefore “all things are mine and nothing is impossible.” In 2006, this dreaming of mine went to a whole new level as I began to witness my dreams coming to pass. With burning passion, I found myself even designating certain days just for dreaming! Often, I would get into my car and set out to dream of greater territory, greater prosperity, and greater influence! It was not long before my dreaming rubbed off on personal friends and family members. Together, we would stop what we were often doing and say, “Let’s go dreaming today!”
Now, I know what some are probably thinking right now - “Who has time to dream? I’m way too busy for that! Why waste time wishing for things you cannot have? I can sure think of better ways to spend my time!” Yes, I DO receive quite a bit of persecution for dreaming, but it never bothers me. I simply dream a bigger dream!
Over the past three years, my dreaming has diminished a bit! I have been in a different season of life, a season of isolation and regeneration! However, on several different occasions recently, God has sent a man of God my way to remind me to start DREAMING AGAIN. Yesterday, after spending time with God in prayer, a message posted to my FaceBook stating that it is time to DREAM AGAIN! After my prayer time today, I picked up a book I have been slowly, steadily reading the past two months, but have not picked up in two weeks and the opening pages where I had left off were entitled - DREAMING. Call this a coincidence? I think NOT! It is once again a season where dreams shall come to pass before my very eyes!
I have never fully comprehended just why the Holy Spirit seems to guide me this way. In comparison, I certainly appear to be an odd “cookie”. However, TODAY, God graciously chose to give me understanding...
“Our dreams matter. I believe God engineered each of us to dream - to envision the fulfillment of our hopes and desires. In fact, dreaming is so vital for us that without it, none of us will reach our full potential in life. A dream is like a buoy that lifts us above mediocrity and monotony. Yet even more fundamentally, dreaming keeps us ALIVE, because it connects us to vision. The New American Standard Bible translates Proverbs 29:18 this way - Where there is no vision, the people “let go”, “neglect”, or “give up”. The final result is that we perish and it all happens through lack of vision.”
- Money and the Prosperous Soul by Stephen K. De Silva (Bethel Church)
Do you have dreams stored away in your heart? Perhaps, you have never even allowed yourself to dream? Maybe you are too afraid to dream? Is the possibility of your dreams never being fulfilled much too weighty to EVER allow yourself to go there? God is speaking to you today - It is time to dream again!
My desire for YOU this holiday season is that you will prioritize and set aside the much needed time to curl up with pen, paper, and the dream-giver Himself. As you ponder all these things in your heart, compile a list of the desires that lie dormant within your soul. Did you know that God Himself placed those desires within you? Allow yourself to begin to dream. Do not be afraid to "Call those things that be NOT as though they ARE." - Romans 4:17 God desires to fill you with awe and give flight to your dreams. Will you believe?
Did I ever tell you how much I LOVE traditions? For our family, there is no time to practice them like the holidays! Traditions usher in a sense of familiarity and excitement within this crew. We look forward each year to knowing just what the menu and schedule of events for Thanksgiving and Christmas will be.
Our menu for Thanksgiving Day has evolved over the years as each member of the family developed a love of their favorite dish. We bake both turkey and smoked ham, followed by a smorgasbord of seventeen other complementary dishes and desserts. It’s enough to feast on for days...and we do! A special bowl is selected each year, entitled “The Blessing Bowl”. Throughout the day of fun and fellowship, each member of the family finds their own intimate moment to steal away and add personal and unique tokens of gratitude to the bowl. After the Thanksgiving meal, our children with pen and paper in hand, excitedly compile their long, awaited Christmas lists.
When our children were small, Steve and I were part of the mentally unstable group who rolls out of bed sometime around 4:00 am to fight the crowds of BLACK FRIDAY. We loved that time together and took great pride in checking off the lists the kids had made the previous day and creatively deciding upon a new hiding place for this year’s gifts. That evening, our entire extended family meets for supper in town, foregoing the traditional turkey for at least one meal.
Every Saturday after Thanksgiving is reserved for ushering in the spirit of Christmas! We attend the matinee Christmas movie of the season and as the children have gotten older we have added the Christmas symphony to our list of fun. All to be followed by the lighting and decorating of our family tree and NO trimming of the tree would be complete without Christmas music and the smell of spiced cider brewing in the background.
As a favorite song suggests, “IT’S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR!”
There is absolutely no greater earthly treasure lavished upon us by the Father above like the gift of Family! The cords of love run so very deep! This week, I am thankful for every moment I’ve been given with each member of my or deceased. The part each of you plays/played in my life has shaped my heart of gratitude. Everyone of you are/were special and unique, fashioned by our Great God unto good works and notable legacy. YOU ARE VALUABLE INDEED! This is the first year we will NOT be together, following our most-loved traditions, but as I travel know that YOU are in my heart, bringing memorable smiles to my face. May the satisfying and fulfilling love of God permeate your hearts with thanksgivings!
Jeneen, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Sister-in-law, and friend
“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are MY disciples.”
Recently, the Lord impressed upon my spirit that HE desired to lavish His love upon me in fresh and new ways. He encouraged me to be watchful of all the new ways He chooses to showcase His love in my life personally. So, I have begun to watch!
One night shortly after, I was in prayer just communicating with my Lord and I said, “Father, as a mother, one of the most precious ways YOU can lavish Your love upon me would be to pour out Your love upon my children." To which, He very quickly responded, "Yes, I fully understand because the most precious way YOU can lavish your love upon ME is to love my other children as well.”
Suddenly, I wept! The love of a mother for her children runs so very deep! In fact, it is at the very core of who we are. Whenever another blesses my two beautiful children, it is as if they have blessed me personally. What the Lord spoke to me that night was such a revelation! I already knew that, as His disciples, we have been commanded to love our brothers and sisters, but what I did not realize was that the most extensive way to express our love to our Father is to lavish our love upon His “other children.” When we do so, it is as if we are lavishing our love upon Him personally!
"I tell you the truth, whatever you do for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you have done it unto ME!" - Matthew 25:40
We live in a fast-paced, busy society where taking the time to love outside of our own selves, marriage and family must be performed with purpose. As humans, selfishness reigns. However, in Christ, we have been commanded to love and honor others above even our own selves. Romans 12:10 says, “Be kindly affectionate toward each other with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another...
1. When was the last time I put another brother or sister’s needs above my
2. As I go about my daily routine, am I a reflection of my loving God to
others in countenance, as well as in actions? Do I smile at others? Do I take the time to grant a
3. How long has it been since I have blessed another brother or sister just
4. Am I loving the unloveable?
Father, I realize today that it is not even possible to count the ways of your love! I want to thank YOU for personally loving ME! I desire to become part of YOUR solution to those in my personal sphere of influence. Holy Spirit, make me mindful of Your "other children" and reveal fresh and new ways that I can lavish Your love upon them. May Your Name always be honored and glorified in my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
“If you want to know what God wants you to do - ask Him, and He will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking. But, when you ask Him, be sure that you really expect Him to answer, for a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. People like that should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. They cannot make up their minds. They waver back and forth in everything that they do.” - James 1:5-8
At eighteen months of age, our beautiful daughter, Alyse, was diagnosed with epilepsy. By doctors orders, she was placed on an extremely high dosage of daily medication and as baby Christians, Steve and I were placed on God’s training wheel of FAITH. It was our first experience with the feeling of helplessness - hopelessness too! I remember thinking to myself, “how will our lives ever be the same?” Worry became the new mindset of our home as we consistently observed our precious child endure one to three seizures every day. There was nothing we could do except hold her safely in our arms until each storm passed, leaving behind a very exhausted and weak child each time.
One day while attending my very first ladies’ retreat, the Lord spoke to me through a word of prophecy saying, “I want to heal your daughter.” Call it immaturity or even stupidity (as her doctor did), but I took God at His word, returned home from the retreat and immediately took Alyse off of her medication. A few weeks passed free from seizures and the scheduled appointment for Alyse’s quarterly check-up drew nigh. To this day, I have never forgotten the look on her doctor’s face when I announced the news that Alyse had been healed and no longer needed to take her medicine! Afterall, epilepsy WAS the diagnosis! It was declared to be a struggle of hers for the rest of her life! How dare I play doctor!!!!
Within minutes, Alyse was hooked to an EEG monitor. This test had periodically been performed since her diagnosis to measure and record the spontaneous electrical activity of her brain and had shown very clear abnormalities each time...UNTIL THIS TIME! Upon the acceptance of God’s Word, Alyse was healed and the test had proven it on record! We left the doctor’s office that day on a high we neither one had ever experienced!
Sharing the testimony of God’s miraculous healing of our daughter was both wildly refreshing and new. If there ever was a way to launch one’s faith to a new level, a miracle certainly did it for us, but as quickly as it came, it was also tested.
Being our only child at the time, Alyse loved to sleep on a pallet beside our bed on special occasions. On this particular night, she did just that. In the wee hours of the morning, I was awakened by that dreadful noise...the undeniable sound of violent convulsion. My heart sank as I replayed every testimony I had given about her healing over and over in my head! Our faith was jolted. Devastated, I called my pastor’s wife for advice. She lovingly assured me to stand on the declaration of faith I had confessed and to never look back. “This is only a test, Jeneen," she declared.
In the days to come, I continued to stand upon God’s promise to me. I refused to accept that Alyse was not healed. I refused to put her back on the medicine and the Holy Spirit taught me a valuable lesson - that "symptoms", although they appear as facts, ARE NOT REALITY. REALITY is whatever GOD says! Since that night, Alyse has never endured another seizure. She will be 24 years old in March!
What have you been declaring and professing in this season of life? Are symptoms and signs announcing defeat? This is only a test! Stand firm and waver not! You have been called to walk by faith and not by sight. Contrary to popular belief, seeing is NOT always believing and perception is NOT always reality. Let faith arise! GOD is waiting to show Himself STRONG on your behalf!
“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on the behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward him.” - 2 Chronicles:16:9
I hear everyone declaring their love for it! The summer flowers have recently been replaced with hardy mums and the colors of orange, yellow and brown adorn the entrances to houses and businesses all around town. The change of weather allows folks to enjoy cooler evening events and wear those beloved jeans and long-sleeve shirts we’ve had safely tucked away for months.
It’s THIS time of year that I begin to get all GIDDY with tradition and expectation for the holidays! The time-change and the early onset of evening is refreshing to me. I love to light candles around the house - fragrances of leaves, harvest, and spice to welcome my family home from their long days. It’s this time of year where you can feel justified to simply sit with a warm cup of coffee, cider, or hot-chocolate and curl up with a good book or watch that favorite TV show, complete with new and exciting episodes.
To me, Fall ushers in a more relaxing season of life! The non-stop days of summer are exchanged for family gatherings in the living room, the essential time for a cool evening walk, football with friends, and a chance to merely sigh a sigh of relief. Simply put, Fall is HARVEST TIME - a season for gathering crops, but also a season for gathering your thoughts! A season for the laborer to gather and then sit quietly in solitude before God, ceasing from activity and enjoying His fresh fragrance. This can be an uncomfortable position for you go-getters out there who feel pressured to always be “doing”. However, this is THE necessary place!
The Holy Spirit reminded me this morning of the parable of the ten virgins found in Matthew 25:1-13. This story clearly exemplifies the difference between spiritual wisdom and spiritual foolishness. Each virgin was given the exact same opportunity to light their lanterns, which is a direct representation of lighting the fire of their souls...that moment when the Holy Spirit draws you to the open door of accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, filling all who receive Him with light! However, in the parable, five virgins were wise and five were foolish. The difference? The five wise virgins continued to return to their initial Source and refuel their flames. The constant renewal supplied them with new revelation, empowerment, attitude adjustments and for that moment when the Bridegroom called out! The five unwise virgins simply went about, living off of the one-time experience they had when their flame was initially lit, but never stopping to refuel. Eventually, their fire was extinguished.
As a gentle friendly reminder today...where are YOU in this season of life? Are you like the wise virgins who understood that continual refueling from their Source was of the essence? Or, do you find yourself today following pursuit of the unwise? Your Source is God! Your Light is the presence of Jesus’ Spirit radiating from within! Only time spent alone in His presence will refuel your fire, causing you to shine everywhere you go with the glory of our beautiful God! How brightly are you shining?
In this shift of seasons, I hear Jesus ushering us, “Come unto Me(the WORD, Jesus is the Word), all ye who labor and are heavy laden(wore out, need refueling), and I will give you rest! Take my yoke upon you and let ME teach you, because I am humble and gentle and YOU will find REST for your souls.” Matthew 11:28 NLT
Today marks 24 years of marriage to my high school sweetheart,Steve. "Happy Anniversary, My Love". As I pondered the past 24 years together, I felt led to record a few of the strengths the Holy Spirit has taught me which have afforded us a long, joyous, heartfelt, intimate relationship.
First of all, I must admit...our wedding was not a joyous, fairytale occasion that every girl dreams of. Our wedding was the direct result of me getting pregnant at the tender age of 17. My mother was a complete unhappy basket case at our wedding, realizing that all the hopes and dreams she had for her little girl had swiftly been swept away without a warning! Most people gathered for the “celebration” (and I use that word loosely) making bets on just how long our marriage would last. Few experience true love and commitment at the age of 17, so the odds were certainly stacked against us.
Steve had just finished his senior year of high school and turned 18 twenty-six days before we said “I Do”. I, on the other hand, was still in school just beginning my senior year. We had nothing to our name. My parents purchased a new home complete with an apartment where we were welcomed to reside. Steve worked at Sign Craft during the day, making $5.00/hour and pulled a second job in the evenings at the Donelson YMCA. Mainly, his duties consisted of playing basketball all evening with the other members. Neither of us ever went to college...
The first year we were married we made a commitment to serve Jesus Christ with all our beings. From that day forward, we have been on a beautiful journey “together” of the good and bad, the difficult and the easy, the painful and the glorious, the joyous and the sad, and the highs and the lows. We have weathered many storms. We have overcome the odds and when asked by others about our life and relationship we like to say:
We owe everything that we are and everything that we have to our Father above, to our Savior Jesus Christ, and to our precious teacher, the Holy Spirit!
Ladies, I hope you recognize today that YOU are your husband’s helper. As wives, this is our main duty. Aside from God, Steve is first in my life. I arise every morning with him in mind. I drop everything to fulfill a task or an errand he needs performed. His phone call gets answered above all others. His needs come before my very own. So many wives have this backwards! Usually, the unbalance comes with the children. Many wives place their children before their husbands. Marriage does not consist of YOU, YOUR HUSBAND, and THE CHILDREN! Marriage is a covenant and a commitment of promise between a man and a woman. The children are an added gift to be enjoyed together. Placing precedence on Steve has undoubtedly contributed to the happiness of our home. Now, being empty-nesters, we still have a beautiful, fulfilling relationship that was not centered around our children, but around our commitment to the Lord and to each other! It is lasting and true.
I have created a home for Steve that he likes to refer to as his Refuge! After a long hard day of work and the chaos of the world, he can relax and retreat to a clean, comfortable happy place called home! He doesn't return to an atmosphere of bickering and controversy. He is welcomed every day from work with a kiss. Whatever our evenings hold, we are together. I can testify that in 24 years of marriage, there has never been one day that my husband has gotten off from work and desired to go any place else but home!
Respect and honor have been key in our relationship. Every day prayers are prayed specifically for my husband. I am his greatest fan...His number one supporter! He looks to me for edification as well as approval. I remind him of who he is in Christ. I compel him to dream and reach for the impossible. We laugh. We take time to Love. We share. We trust. We communicate! We enjoy the fruits of our labor together. We are true partners. When I succeed He succeeds. When He succeeds then I succeed!
Proverbs 31:11-12 declares -
“The heart of her husband safely trusts in her and she GREATLY enriches his life! She will do her husband good and not evil all the days of her life!”
Friends and fellow wives, this is the beautiful role we have been given by the Lord. YOU have the power to change the atmosphere of YOUR home and marriage! I pray that each and every one of you will renew your commitment to your husband this very day and vow to be his helpmate. Allow the order and blessing of the Lord to fill your relationship. Enjoy every single day you have been given together. Do not settle for the mundane and routine. Relight the fire and passion. Cherish growing old together and may God richly bless your marriage!
God has chosen a place of SOLITUDE for me during this season. Let’s face it... being alone for short periods of time has proven to be therapeutic. It’s when God calls you to THIS place that you begin to question your importance to society.
Solitude seems to have a way of drawing us into a place of unhealthy comparison with others. Our culture has placed high importance on individuals who seem to be BUSY all the time. Unfortunately, as a result, we have learned to measure our value according to how many appointments we have in our many people need many invitations we receive to the parties, etc.
Recently, I have been challenged to see the beauty and necessity of this place called Solitude. God has revealed to me the great value of this place. Every great leader in the Bible was placed in a season of Solitude and from THIS PLACE came their greatest victories!
The apostle Paul was forced from the missionary work that he loved so well and thrust into prison. With a joyous and overcoming mindset, he penned the books of Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians, and Philippians. Moses was taken from his great place of stature and influence to the back side of the desert for 40 years. It was there that he gained the knowledge and obedience to perform the greatest task of his life - delivering the children of Israel. John was exiled to the Isle of Patmos - far away from everyone he knew. Abandoned and alone, he received the greatest vision of his entire life. A vision of great hope read by millions of people even to this day!
I want to challenge YOU today...if God has chosen a place of Solitude for you during this season, STOP! Change your view of this previously dreaded place and unwrap it’s beauty. Take the time to discover God in a new and fresh way. Heed and ponder the refreshing mentality and new found direction the Holy Spirit desires to unleash upon you. Solitude is necessary and one of the most important places you will ever visit. For if you allow it, it prepares you for the greatest seasons of victory in life.
“In the morning, rising up a great while before day, He(Jesus) went out and departed into a solitary place, and there He prayed.”
God has been urging me all the more to VALUE people! ALL PEOPLE!
Let’s face it, we each possess compassions, but then there are those areas within each of us where our judgements seem to get in the way. Sometimes, we view others as too far gone to warrant our help, or too far away to capture our attention. Then, there are those that we place in the “they don’t deserve it” column.
Recently, God has been allowing me to actually see others as HE sees them, feeling their hurts, insecurities, and longings. Everywhere I go, my focus is drawn to those around me.
Repairing the Breach Ministries, Inc.(RTBM) is proud to partner with South African Evangelistic Missions(SAEM) for over two years now. My trusted friend and head moderator for SAEM, Tyrone Paul, has graciously brought my attention to a need in Umbambulu. Pastor Lucky Langa and his wife are currently fulfilling the mandate of God to house, love, and care for 27 deformed and unwanted children. Pastor Langa traveled to Prince Mashen Hospital to claim the children, who are made up of true orphans(children with deceased parents) and children simply UNWANTED by their natural birth parents due to their deformities. This loving pastor and his wife have surrounded their own personal bed with every child to ensure a sense of love, acceptance and protection to each.
The budget to care for these beautiful children each month is around $1300.00 US dollars. RTBM, Inc. WILL answer the call to support this endeavor. However, we can do exceedingly more together than I could ever do alone. I am also extending this blessed opportunity to YOU.
To those interested, you can send a tax-deductible, charitable donation to:
P.O. Box 775
Mansfield, Texas 76063
Every cent designated for this project will go directly to support this cause.
I thank you and bless you in advance for your willingness and compassion to stop and value others. Listed below are pictures of a few of the children.
We have no control over what someone else does TO us, but we DO have control over whether or not we are going to allow their offense to trap us and keep us from the destiny God designed for our lives.
When we choose to “take offense” we accept the bait that Satan strategically places before us and we walk directly into his trap! His trap is always hidden and disguised.
As we “take offense” we focus so much on what has been done to us, on the hurt and anger and the constant replaying of the offense that we do not even realize the trap of bitterness, self-pity, and unforgiveness we walk in.
You may say, “In what ways am I trapped?”
#1 - The trap of offense will keep you from spiritual growth and service.
Just like a trapped animal in an iron cage, an offended person lives and moves, but he/she is unable to make advances toward accomplishing God’s unique plan and purpose for their life. As prisoners, we become emotionally joy, peace, and confidence for anger, bitterness, and a critical spirit.
Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above everything else, Guard your heart. For out of “it” flows the issues of life.” As you well know, our emotions control our actions. If satan can keep you trapped emotionally, he can then keep you from advancing physically and spiritually.
#2 - Trapped people build thick walls!
Proverbs 18:19 says, “A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.”
This verse tells us that it is easier to conquer an entire walled city than it is to make amends with an offended brother or sister in Christ because their walls are fortified with contentious arguments:
> I have a right to be mad!
> You have no idea what I’ve been through
> When you go through what I’ve been through then we can talk!
> They ruined my life!
> No one will ever hurt me again! “I” will make sure of that!
Behind these thick walls facts are skewed, information is twisted, and reality is often ignored. ONLY THOSE who can be trusted to agree with and justify their arguments are trusted inside these walls.
#3 - Trapped people are blind!
1 John 2:11 says, “He that hates his brother walks in darkness and has no idea where he is going because that darkness has blinded him.”
Behind these fortified walls, truth is not welcome! The absence of truth brings darkness. Somehow, we are clearly able to see the offenses, faults, and failures of others, but become blind to our very own glaring faults. Offended and trapped people develop extremely critical spirits and soon begin to engage themselves in anger, strife, gossip, and the sowing of seeds of discord.
Blindness keeps us from recognizing the sea of bitterness and unforgiveness that has so engulfed us and separated us from the presence of God. It is true, my friend, unrepented sin does separate us from God.
#4 - Trapped and Offended people are often idolatrous!
Now, you may be thinking this is a bit harsh, but listen. A few years back in one of my counseling sessions for a married couple I had a husband say this about his wife: “She cannot remember where she put her keys five minutes ago, but she can recall every detail of an offense committed against her 25 years ago!” Wow, that really opened my eyes! And God showed me this...When people allow their painful past resentment and bitterness to replace their present affection and devotion to God, then their state of offense becomes an IDOL!!!
One woman, who was grossly betrayed by her husband was asked, “What would you like to see done to your husband? To which, she replied, “hell will do!”
Often we cannot or simply will not trust God to take care of our offender as He deems necessary. Vengeance means more to us than trusting God! We want our offender to pay and we want them to pay now, according to our terms!
“When the offense means more to you than restoration, it has become an idol in your life!”
In the past weeks, my family has suffered great physical damage at the hands of an unstable, angry soul. We had every right and every means to seek revenge and cause this person life-altering consequences. After calming down and praying heavily we decided to leave this war to our God! Not only that, but the precious Holy Spirit has even given me the desire to pray for this person. I trust God to restore to my family what has been taken.
In closing, Romans 12:18 commands us, “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men." This is the road we chose and therefore our joy,peace, and favor remain. Take time this week to clean out the closet of your soul. Get rid of old offenses that weigh you down and trap you. Be free! I say - "Be free to live, love and serve joyfully."
Is it just me or have you also noticed how easily offended everyone seems to be lately?
I encounter offended people everywhere I go: in my daily routine of business, at church, on the news coverage, even in family. The spirit is demonstrated through the countenance of faces I meet, through the words I hear spoken and the actions displayed. Fifty-three percent of marriages are being torn apart. Long-time friendships are tossed away. Family members haven’t spoken in years. Churches are divided and seeds of discord are continually sown among the brethren!
I am only forty-one years old, but I must confess that the spirit of offense seems to be at an all-time high in my lifetime. I went to the Lord about my concerns and He led me to Matthew 24: 3-14.
“And as HE sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to HIM privately asking, ‘Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world?’
And Jesus answered and said unto them, ‘Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in MY name saying I am the Christ; and shall deceive many. And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you be not troubled. For all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in different places. All these things are the beginning of sorrows. Then, they shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you; you shall be hated of all nations for MY name’s sake. And many shall be OFFENDED, and shall betray one another and shall hate one another! And many false prophets shall arise and deceive many. Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But, he that shall endure to the end shall be saved and this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations. THEN, the end shall come.”
This caliber of offense being demonstrated in our world today is surely a sign of Christ’s return. Notice that the scripture does not say, “many shall OFFEND”, but “many shall be OFFENDED.” You see, there is a huge difference. The word “offend” is a verb meaning to ‘transgress morally or lawfully causing hurt, difficulty, resentment or pain.' Jesus said in Luke 17:1 that it is IMPOSSIBLE that offenses will not come.
It is true that people often offend with motive, but then there are times that we offend without even knowing it. Example being - I could say something that was never meant to be offensive, but someone might still be offended. My choice of outfit might offend someone. My personality might be offensive in some way to another person. We all have the capacity to offend just simply by being WHO WE ARE! Jesus was an absolute perfect man, but many were offended by Him. Offenses will always come. We are never going to be able to stop nor control them. However, there is something you and I CAN control and that is the choice whether or not to take offense or be “offended” by anyone or anything. To be “offended” one must accept “offense”. There was a time in my life when I accepted offense. I can honestly say there were people who purposely chose to offend me and I could use the excuse that I had the "right" to be offended, but Jesus began to show me that I wasn’t hurting anyone but myself.
The word “offense” is a noun. Therefore, it is something we can take hold of. John Bevere states in his book, The Bait of Satan, that the word “offense” comes from the Greek word “scandalon” which literally means “the bait used to trap a wild animal”. Offenses come to trap us! They trap us with hurts, pains and sore attitudes which eventually steal our joy and hinder our relationships with God and others. The trap of offense will isolate you, alienate you from fellowship and strip you of your purpose.
What offense has left you alienated, stripped of purpose and left for dead? Is it an offense against someone else? Maybe it is even that you are offended with yourself? Perhaps your own choices have left you defeated and feeling like a failure, causing you to actually be offended at YOU. Lastly, could you admit today that you just might even be offended at God? Do you feel that HE has somehow let you down or disappointed you in this life?
What I want to get across to you today is this: the offense you are harboring is a trap! It is not hurting anyone else but YOU. Galatians 5:7-8 says, “You were running so well. WHO hindered you from obeying the truth? This persuasion does not come from Him who called you.” This spirit of offense has come to kill, steal, and destroy you. It is hindering your progress and suppressing your joy in life. Choose this day to be free of offense. Choose this day to forgive...Forgive others! Forgive yourself! And ask God to forgive you for the bad attitude you’ve harbored against Him.
Slowly begin to speak these verses of scripture over your life:
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit.” Psalm 51:10-12
I somehow seem to be drawn to the troubles surrounding Christians! You may be experiencing trials of various kinds in your own life right now. There always seems to be some form of trouble lurking in the Kohler household and most of the time I am really good at seeing it for what it is and overcoming it by remaining focused on God’s Word and His truth about my family.
Recently however, trouble seemingly came from every side! One particular day I found myself questioning whether or not the Kohler family was even a “Christian” family anymore. Has the enemy of your soul ever fired a dart through your mind like that? Negative thoughts penetrated my mind until I snapped out of it through a much needed phone call from a faithful friend who knows us well...haha.
The consensus in the church for years has been: “If you are a powerful Christian, then you should be spared from conflict or trial.” Satan wants us to believe that we are experiencing trouble because our lives are not pleasing to God. I understand that is a legitimate cause for trouble at times because disobedience DOES have it’s consequences, but I am speaking to the woman or man of God today who feels like you have faithfully followed God and you are STILL surrounded by much trouble.
In my study time alone with God today I came across this passage of scripture once again that was written to us by the Apostle Paul:
"We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed. We are perplexed, yet not in despair; persecuted, but NOT forsaken. Cast down, but not destroyed. Through this suffering, our bodies are “constantly” sharing in the death of Jesus so that the LIFE of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.”
2 Corinthians 4:8-10
God granted me new revelation concerning verse 10. As powerful Christians, we will always be surrounded by trials and sufferings. I now realize that it is the existence of “TROUBLE” that can actually distinguish the POWERFUL from the POWERLESS. By “overcoming” the trials that others witness us going through, the overcoming power of Jesus is made manifest in our lives unto the world. We should never again ask God why this trouble has come to our household, but rather, ask Him for the wisdom and perseverance to stand and victoriously overcome so that the Power of Jesus can precisely be represented to this lost world!
If you are a Believer in Jesus Christ, the question is not “Will trouble come because it is sure to.” The question is: “Will you allow your troubles to be a definition of Christ’s overcoming power at work here in the earth?”
Hard times are all around and the Christian family has not been excluded. Many are living through the most difficult time they have truly ever experienced. Sin waxes worse and worse. The financial realm has produced seemingly unbearable stress, as Christian families try to wade through this economic drought. Maybe you have suffered the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, the loss of your home, the loss of your partner or spouse, or have watched as your wayward child follows a path of his own. You may even feel justified to cry out in desperation, “What’s the use of serving God? What have we gained by obeying His commands?” as recorded in Malachi 3:14.
For a time, it may appear that the heathen is even more blessed than you, a faithful man or woman of God. Malachi 3:15 says, “From now on we will say, ‘Blessed are the arrogant; for those who do evil get rich and those who dare God to punish them go free.” As we glance around this world, everything doesn’t appear just and fair. Those who have worked so diligently, served so faithfully, and lived a life of humility are finding themselves “seemingly” living beneath the glamour of the riches and carefree life of the heathen.
But, hold on my friend! Your day is coming! The day of the heathen will fade as quickly as it arrived, but the life of the faithful will live throughout eternity. The wisdom of Proverbs tells us, “Above everything else, Guard your heart! For out of it, flows your entire life. Look straight ahead! Fix your eyes on what lies ahead(the plan God has destined for your life) and mark out a straight path before you! Stick to this path, do not get side-tracked. Keep your feet from following evil. (Proverbs 4:23,26,27)
There is coming a day where justice shall be perfected. The last part of Malachi chapter 3 is my favorite: Verse 16-18 says, “Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another and the Lord listened to what they said. In His presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared Him and loved to think about Him! And the Lord replied, These shall be Mine! On the day that I act, they will be my own special treasures. I will spare them as a father spares an obedient child.
Then, you will once again see the “distinction” between the righteous and the wicked, between those who love Me and those who do not!”
I encourage you today not to allow your faith to fail you. Continue along the path of obedience and faithfulness as a Child of the Most High. For the “Day of Distinction” is upon us and I assure you, it will ALL be worth it!
Our lives have purpose! From the moment we enter this earthly realm, flesh fights for dominance. We see it in a new-born crying infant who screams for it’s own demands. It is evident in a toddler who pitches a fit when his requests are simply denied. In the life of a teenager, it can be described as rebellion, but the course of this battle does not cease as an adult until our lives are fully surrendered to God and His great plan. Our flesh is the enemy of God...Romans 8:7. For it continuously declares: I WANT!!!! On the other hand, surrender says on a daily basis: I GIVE!!!! I give you my heart, Lord. I give you my plans! I give you my dreams! I give you my mind complete with all of the thoughts, imaginations, and attitudes I have learned and created.
In our quest to have our own way in life we can make quite a mess of things. Often, we have allowed our flesh so much control that it may seem impossible to retract and begin again. This is one of satan’s greatest delusions. He wants you to believe that you have failed one too many times...that you have sinned too badly for God to ever forgive you or accept you again as one of His children. Sometimes, we even feel so far off the path God desired for our life that we cannot see any way to ever walk that path successfully again. The devil is banking on YOU believing that your road to forgiveness is too heavily paved with failure to ever be erased.
Proverbs 28:13 says, “People who cover their sins will not prosper! But, if they CONFESS and FORSAKE them, they will have mercy.” In other words, if we deny that we even have a sin or failure issue and choose rather to cover up our lifestyle then we will never prosper. However, to receive mercy (a second, third, fourth chance) from our Father, all that is required is that we ACKNOWLEDGE our sin and shortcomings and RUN from them! God requires us to OWN OUR FAILURES and stop making excuses for them. Two of the strongest spirits at work in the earth today are “the spirit of entitlement and the spirit of blame”. Everyone feels entitled to the blessed life when they have made few choices to acquire it. If we can just blame the consequences of our choices on everyone and everything else then we are free to feel justified. My friend, this is a trap!
Look deep into your own life today. Accept the advice of Proverbs. Confess your own sins to God and forsake the road you have traveled. A blessed and fulfilled life is waiting out there for you! Stop trying to figure your entire future out TODAY! The road to happiness is not paved with huge leaps, but with small, consistent and deliberate steps. Jesus himself even said, “Whoever desires to follow Me must DENY himself and take up his cross DAILY.” (Luke 9:23)
Two years ago, the Lord knitted my heart to the great country of South Africa. Now, I have an entire family with hearts afire for these precious people. It is difficult to describe the impact a trip like this makes on your life. It is truly an adventure you must experience for yourself to understand. The message I tried so hard to convey once I returned in 2010...Alyse, Bryce, and Nana now "get it." As we left South Africa and our wonderful friends on Tuesday, we left in tears!
The journey was LOOOOONNNGGGGG! Our days were FUUUUULLLLL! Our trip was blessed beyond measure! Thanks to everyone who supported us in prayer.
It was winter there, but let me say that their winters are extremely mild. The days were sunny and 70's, which made for pleasant ministry conditions. Thanks to the selfless partners and friends of RTBM,Inc. we cooked and fed over 200 meals to the homeless of inner-city Durban and delivered week-long food packets to 100 families in nearby villages of Chatsworth and The Valley of a Thousand Hills. Our hearts were touched and changed by their living conditions and joyful countenance! It was fulfilling to actually purchase, package, and deliver the goods to each home personally. Many of the families invited us into their "homes" for special prayer. The message we shared with them came from Psalm 139 - "God is intimately acquainted with each of you and your needs because HE formed you in your mother's womb and knew you before you were ever born. He loves you so much that HE even spoke to us, over 9000 miles away, to come and personally meet your needs." We diligently portrayed the goodness of our Mighty God because Romans 4:2 says, "It is the goodness of God which leads man to repentance." People respond to your goodness before they respond to your message!
Much preparation went into the "WORD" God prepared for the people of South Africa and their hearts were ready to receive. It always amazes me how we each have the power to change others simply through our own personal experiences and testimonies. I shared with the women on several occasions all that God has so graciously taught me about Faith, the power of His Word, the Dominion Christ left within each of us and our call to become living sacrifices unto God through a renewed mind. The message not only touched lives, but report after report came forth that these women will never be the same because there has been a shift in their mindsets. Hallelujah! God always does exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever ask or think. Isaiah 55:11 says, "So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth; It shall not return void, but it shall go forth and accomplish that thing which I sent it to accomplish."
I thank God for allowing my children and mother to experience this trip with me. Many lasting memories were made together. Alyse and Bryce testify to the life-changing experience this trip has truly been for them. It was a great honor to watch them minister so freely and comfortably to others. They each had several opportunities to address the multitudes and pray openly for specific needs. I give all glory to God for the rich inheritance and firm foundation evident within them. They belong to God and I release them for His work and will. This will not be their last trip to South Africa if they have anything to do with it!
Nana did wonderful on the trip. With the loss of Papa last year, this opportunity couldn't have come at a better time. Physically, she was a trooper. 64 has nothing on this lady. Her precious spirit warmed the hearts of everyone she met and before leaving she became "nana" to them as well. I am grateful for the support she always gives to me and this ministry. We work well together and much honor and love go out to my mother.
I have attached a few of the 2000 pictures we took. My family was amazed at the beauty of this country's landscape. To fully grasp the experiences we were given, you can find many of our photos on my Facebook page under Jeneen Bullen Kohler. Once I catch my breath I will also post several on the website. Until next time, have a wonderfully, blessed week. Be God's goodness to everyone you encounter! I love you all...
I mentioned to you that in the early part of 2010, God required Steve and I to sell the beautiful dream home we had been allowed to build, complete with two-thirds of it’s possessions and transfer to Dallas, Texas. At first, this was not an easy thing on my flesh! I loved our home. Everywhere you glanced was the character unique to “Kohler” style. We had spent twenty years accumulating furniture that we loved. Everything was just perfect and exactly how we liked it!
Our home was filled with family, friends and ministry 24/7. We had what others refer to as an open, revolving door. I can count on one hand the number of other houses our children spent the night at while growing up because our house was “the house.”
When the time came to sell, a part of me broke as I began to wonder if we would EVER again have another home we loved as much as this one? Fear spoke trying to abort the instruction of God, “If you sell all your furniture you’ll never acquire this many nice things EVER again.” But, I heard the voice of my God saying, “If you don’t step out and cross this river, you will never receive what I have for you on the other side.”
CHANGE…the forbidden word!!!!!
Most cringe at the mere thought of it. Others are praying for it, if it occurs on their own terms of course. But, through the years change has developed a predominant reputation for inconveniencing lives as well as our own self-made schedules and plans. Few desire change and even when we are FORCED to change, we resist the process and unwillingly endure under a load of stress, anxiety and the desire for what “once was.” Change is rarely ever welcomed or truly embraced.
However, God has given me a fresh revelation regarding change. I now view it as the prerequisite to possessing one's Promised Land. So often, we pray and ask God to take us to higher ground and lead us to the life HE destined for us. All the while, we limit His plans through our inability to trust and embrace change. Only when we can truly surrender EVERYTHING to Him will we find ourselves exactly where He desires us to be...The Blessed place...The place He created that is perfect for YOUR gifts, desires, and abilities. I sit some days and meditate on all the wonderful experiences I would have missed in my life had I chosen not to trust Him! I want all that He has for me and I now realize that requires embracing change when it comes calling.
Life is very different for me these days. How refreshing it is! I absolutely LOVE Texas and the Jeneen I was two years ago no longer exists. As God promised, ALL THINGS have become new. I have been filled with an exciting new approach to ministry, fresh revelation, new compassions, and growth I could have never acquired any other way AND I am thrilled to report that God has once again given us the most beautiful, well-suited home. It is unlike anything we have previously ever desired in a home (even THAT changed) and it is perfect for this season of our lives. We moved in exactly two years from the very weekend we made our transfer to Texas! God is such a God of Timing! After not having our own home and renting for two years, I now walk around in daily amazement at the goodness of God. (Well, I at least had one week to walk around in it!) That “timing of God” is sending me to South Africa only one week after getting settled into our new home. I guess I can look forward to decorating once I return…HaHa. Ministry is calling and I joyfully accept.
Remember this: Change will reveal where you have truly placed your trust. Is it in the material possessions you’ve worked so many years to acquire? Is it in money? Or is it merely in the comfort zone you’ve created for yourself that you’re not willing to step outside of?
What change is God requiring of YOU today?
My prayer is that you will not view it with reluctance, but with joy. Knowing that God will never ask you to make a change if He does not have blessing, spiritual growth and promotion in mind! If you want these, you MUST walk the winding path of change. For on the other side is the Blessed Place God has been trying to get you to. I love all of you with His great love…
In 2006, Steve and I were blessed to build our dream home from the ground up. I was sitting at one of Bryce’s baseball games minding my own business when the Holy Spirit spoke to me, “You’re going to be building a house soon.” This blog does not afford me ample space to list the miracles God performed in bringing this promise to fruition, but suffice it to say, it was quite a powerful and exciting journey.
Deep into the building process, the Lord spoke again, “You will live in this house for a season and be VERY blessed and then I will require it of you.” I never fully understood what He meant by this, but as you well know God means what He says and sure enough three and a half years later God required us to sell our beautiful home, complete with all the contents and move quickly to Dallas, Texas.
I was preaching in South Africa when I received the news from Steve that we would be moving. The move literally took place in three weeks. Transferring so quickly, we decided it was best to rent for a year until we could learn more about the Dallas area. Finding a house to rent wasn’t the easiest thing to do. I remember feeling overwhelmed! I simply buckled my seatbelt and set out for a new journey with God.
One day while in prayer about a rental house, God said, “What do you want in this house? Make a list and write it down on paper.” I seriously had to think for a moment because God had never asked me such a question before. I quickly retrieved a tablet of paper and began jotting down the desires of my heart in detail.
3000 square feet
hardwood floors downstairs
granite countertops
bonus room
a swimming pool complete with a fountain flowing into it
a hot tub
and a nice yard
I made two trips to Dallas in search of rental property, but with no success. One Sunday evening my cell phone rang. It was a pastor I had been privileged to meet while visiting Dallas, but knew little about. His voice on the other end relayed this message, “We were having a Bible study at the home of a friend tonight and one of the prayer requests was that they needed to rent their beautiful home very quickly and needed everyone to pray that God would grant them wonderful renters. I am wondering if you and Steve would like to meet us at the property in a few minutes to see if this house might be an option for you?” “Sure,” I replied with great excitement and a pounding heart.
In less than thirty minutes, we arrived at the house and as you can probably guess, it was complete with every single detail on my list. Needless to say, we put a deposit on the house and I immediately traveled back to Tennessee to meet with United Van Lines about transporting our personal items. My heart and soul rejoiced with God over faithfully meeting the desires of my heart and I joyfully witnessed to friends and family about God’s goodness.
On my final drive back to Dallas, the enemy started talking to me. He said, “You’ve witnessed to everybody that this house has EVERY SINGLE DETAIL that you wrote on your list, but it does not. It doesn’t have the fountain flowing into the pool! So, I guess God isn’t all that great after all now is He?” For the first time, I realized satan was exactly right. In all of my excitement I never even noticed there was not a fountain flowing into the pool. I felt such condemnation in my soul, not because God didn’t deliver, but because I had witnessed to many about God’s goodness and His attention to every detail and I felt like I had unknowingly misrepresented the situation.
Twelve hours later, I arrived in Dallas and went immediately to the property to place our dog, Maxx, in the fenced back yard. I walked around to the pool and there before my eyes was the most beautiful fountain flowing out of the hot tub into the pool. The owner came around the corner and said, “The fountain has been broken for a long time, but we had it repaired for you yesterday.” I stood there in utter amazement and cried! GOD DID CARE ABOUT EVERY SINGLE DETAIL! And furthermore, I did not misrepresent anything whatsoever!
One thing I have learned the past few years is this:
Yes, I already know what you’re thinking..."God does not have time to be interested in what you desire. Surely, He must have bigger and more important details to be concerned with?" That is exactly the mindset of most Christians, but they are wrong! God owns everything and He is always willing and desirous to bless us if we will only dare to ASK.
As a mother, I absolutely love to bless the socks off my children and I have come to realize that God feels the exact same way about each one of His children. I am privileged to lead a victoriously, blessed life in every area due to the faithful teachings of the Holy Spirit. I am willing to take my heavenly Father at His Word and simply ask.
You might try it sometime???? But, of course, if you just cannot get your tiny thinking wrapped around such a big revelation of truth, that is perfectly fine too. I’ll just ask for what belongs to you as well...hahaha
I come from a fantastic line of women in my family who really know how to cook. My mother taught me to prepare great meals at a very young age...fried pork chops, homemade mashed potatoes, fried corn, macaroni and cheese with REAL Velveeta, and fresh biscuits. I better stop there. My mouth is watering already...
I sorta pride myself as successor of these great cooks and bakers in my family. A few years ago, I had a night of setback. I call this my chicken story.
I decided I wanted to bake two whole chickens for supper one night. The rotisserie at Walmart always made them appear so delicious and appealing as I passed by and although I had cooked chicken every possible way in the past, I realized I had never baked a whole chicken myself.
I retrieved a great recipe from the internet and purchased every necessary ingredient. Diligent to follow every step, I basted the chickens with natural herbs, set the oven to 350 degrees and loaded it with what I was sure to be a family favorite.
My starving family waited in anticipation as the two hour cook-time slowly ticked away. Everyone’s favorite side dishes were carefully prepared to compliment the great entree'. After calling everyone to the table and humbly blessing this food, which was sure to fill our stomachs with utter fulfillment, I pulled the perfectly, golden chickens from the oven. At last, we sat together at the table to partake and to my disappointment the chickens were RAW! I could not believe my eyes, nor could I understand! My mind retraced every step I had taken. I KNEW I followed that recipe to the T... and was so careful to do everything just right. How could these chickens APPEAR so ready and yet be so NOT READY! Needless to say, we could not eat the chickens! Nor, have I attempted to bake another one since.
It was in the early morning hours that my heavenly Father awakened me and spoke. “Jeneen, I want to teach you something through the chickens.” I said, “Sure, Father, what?” He replied, “You know how you did everything you were supposed to do to those chickens to yield a fabulous return?” I said, “Yes, Lord.” He continued, “And, to the natural eye, they appeared ready, correct?” “Yes, Lord. They sure did.” “That is how life is at times, my daughter. You may think it is time for something that you have been praying about for a long time to manifest. You may have done everything you know to do to bring this new thing about. The circumstances may even appear as perfect timing, BUT IT’S JUST NOT READY YET!”
Being willing to roll with God’s timing is crucial. So often in life, we pray about things and cannot understand why they have not come to pass yet. Frustrated, our circumstances may appear ready and our patience dwindling, but God knows the perfect time to bring things to pass in our lives. Sometimes, we may think we are ready, when HE KNOWS we are not. If God did everything we asked Him to do in our own timing, most of us would fall flat on our faces in failure because we were not properly trained nor prepared for the task ahead.
Learn to trust God’s timing. When He seems late, He isn’t and when your timing seems right...It Isn’t! God alone is omniscient...the all-knowing, wise One! He is aware of things we cannot even know or understand and He is following His own carefully constructed plan for your life.
May Psalm 37:5 encourage you today.
“Commit your way to the Lord, Trust in Him. And He shall bring it to pass!”
Overcoming Fear
" The fear of a man brings a trap, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe." Proverbs 29:25
Fear is a powerful stronghold.I've heard it said that fear paralyzes the present and bankrupts the future. It robs us from truly experiencing a blessed and fulfilled life in Christ.
I cannot remember at what age the first glimpse of fear settled into my spirit because as a child I can never remember NOT being afraid. Like most children, I was a happy little girl. I enjoyed playing outside, running in the cow pasture, climbing the apple trees, fishing, and always hanging with my two brothers.We loved to venture off into the pasture and melt crayons on the huge boulders lying in the field.Why, I have no idea?Except, I remember loving the designs we created as the dripping, melted wax of each color beautifully ran together.
Aside from the happiness that childhood afforded me, a dark cloud hung over my head. Mornings were glorious, but with each passing hour the approaching of dusk filled my stomach with knots. With darkness not even a reality yet, the very thought of bedtime made me miserable.Terrified by night, my compassionate brother, Kelly, became my comfort and safety zone.Every night I would beg him to allow me to sleep with him.He was gracious to share his twin bed with me. Although his graciousness did come with a heavy price tag.Yes, I had to agree to scratch his back until I counted to one thousand.I willingly paid that price. Of course by the time I reached my lofty goal he was already asleep and I was left awake and alone.His presence was enough to comfort me.
When I was nine years old, our family relocated to Florence, South Carolina.In hopes of breaking my habit of sleeping with my brother, who was now 13, my mother promised to buy me a brand new bedroom suit if I would agree to sleeping in my own room. I agreed to the deal and did hold up my end of the bargain, but I was miserable every night. I can still remember the shades Mom purchased for my room.They were made of heavy, non-translucent fabric and hung from a roll. Fear gripped my heart so much that I took push pins and pinned the entire shade to the casing of my window.
Blankets were the next form of security I adopted.Every night I would lie very still in my bed with my entire body enveloped beneath the blankets, including my head. Only my nose was allowed to protrude for breathing purposes. Childlike innocence allowed me to believe that should an intruder enter my room, I would somehow go unnoticed.
Married at such a young age, I unknowingly carried this great fear into our relationship. The first three years of marriage, my husband worked dayshift and because I had someone to sleep with every night, I gave little thought to the fear that still lingered. Until one day, Steve was switched to night shift and suddenly anxiety filled my mind with questions: "What am I going to do now? I live seven hours away from my family. I have a child to take care of. Who is going to protect us while Steve is at work? How will I ever sleep again? Why are you doing this to me, Lord?"
I knew 2 Timothy 1:7 said, "God has not given us a spirit of fear,” but I could not understand why I was still so afraid?
The first night Steve left for work I thought I would literally die with fear. With every light left on in the house, I numbly, retreated to my bed. Once again, the stronghold of fear consumed me. I wanted to cover my head.I wanted to pin the blinds. I lay petrified, but this time something was different. I had my heavenly Father to turn to.Humbly, I divulged to Him how scared I really was, requesting Him to cover me and my daughter and bless our eyes with restful sleep.
What happened next has never been forgotten.It is as vivid today as it was that night in Chicago, twenty-one years ago.The appointed time had come for the trap of fear to be abolished from my life. My heavenly Father desired to show me WHO I belonged to. He spoke directly to my troubled heart through a vision as I lay outstretched on my bed. He showed me my house from the road in which it sat on. The entire house was covered by the blood of Jesus.The blood flowed from the roof, dripping downward. Then, He allowed me to not only see, but to also hear the conversation taking place between satan and his legion of demons in front of my house. Very clearly and distinctly I heard satan say, "Come on! We have to go on to the next house. This one is covered by the blood of Jesus." Discouraged, he and his army retreated in utter disappointment.
That moment changed my life forever. I would be lying if I said fear never returned to rear it's ugly head again, because it has, but never again has fear had the power to consume my life.I learned that night that my life and all that belonged to me is protected at all times by my Father in heaven. Psalm 121:3-4 tell us that "The One who keeps us never sleeps nor slumbers." 2 Chronicles 16:9 became my strength - "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” That scared little girl has now become a mighty warrior and the key to my strength is trust.Trust, my friend! God has you and yours in the palm of His hand.Whatever troubles you this night, talk to your Father about it.And then, my brother and sister, sleep!Sleep like a baby surrounded by the One who never sleeps.
"You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flys by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near unto you."Psalm 91:5-7
I want to take a moment to familiarize you with the extraordinary opportunity I have been recently afforded. Once again, I have been invited to represent Repairing the Breach Ministries, Inc. (RTBM) in the wonderful country of South Africa.
I last visited South Africa in February of 2010. It was my first chance to experience the culture and landscapes of a country upon another continent. Honor and love immediately consumed my heart for the beautiful people of South Africa. Since leaving, I have continued to nurture relationships with the faithful men and women of South African Evangelistic Missions (SAEM).
An invitation has been extended to me by SAEM to return to the province of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) located in the southwest section of South Africa along the coast of the Indian Ocean. The biggest portion of our trip will be spent in the largest city of KZN, known as Durban. The false religions of this area consist of:
Shembe - the worship of a former black Baptist leader
Zionist - a black cult of Christianity
Ancestral worship
Animism - the belief that spirits and souls exist not only in humans, but also in all other animals, plants, rocks, and geographic features such as mountains or rivers.
Much work is left to be done, but I am proud to announce that Christianity is on the rise in this great country of South Africa. How fulfilling it is to know God has chosen RTBM to be a part of this vast harvest!
I am being fabulously accompanied on this trip by a very special team consisting of my daughter (Alyse), my son (Bryce) and my wonderful mother (Terecia). My excitement to share the work of the Lord in South Africa with my family is exhilarating! The team and I will make our twenty-hour flight across the great Atlantic on May 11th, returning to the US on May 23, 2012.
God has opened the door for our team to minister in seven different locations, while in South Africa. One of the highlights of this trip is the opportunity to teach at a ladies retreat entitled, “DISCOVER YOUR WORTH IN CHRIST”, held at a resort in Albert Falls. I have been notified that the occupancy of this retreat has reached it’s maximum during pre-registration and the sponsors have now added an overflow hotel where more ladies can be lodged for all sessions. I am expecting an active demonstration of the Spirit working in and among the women at this retreat as I passionately share the infallible Word and interact with the unfailing love of Christ.
RTBM desires to always be an “active” demonstration of the Good News and not merely voices. We are fortunate to visit an orphanage in the Valley of a Thousand Hills - an area known for the highest rate of HIV infections in the entire world. We have committed to supplying a week’s worth of food to one hundred different families in both this and the Chatsworth area during our ten-day visit. Also, our daughter has willingly offered to supply the funds needed to feed the inner-city homeless of New Creation Church, pastored by Brother Tyrone Paul. What an honor it is to witness the love of Christ at work through your children. Proverbs 19:17 declares, “He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord and HE will pay back what he has given.”
Since the founding of this ministry in 2007, the work of RTBM has been made possible by God and through the faithful contributions of willing, prayerful and generous partners. Many hands make light work. Together we can always accomplish more than apart! For those who faithfully support RTBM - THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OUR OUR HEARTS!! If you desire to become a faithful partner to this ministry or desire to give in a one-time donation to the work in South Africa, RTBM is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your contribution is tax-deductible. Furthermore (and most importantly) you can rest assured that your contribution will be fully used to further the work of our Lord!
Checks can be mailed to:
Repairing the Breach Ministries, Inc.
PO Box 775
Mansfield, Texas 76063
Thank you for this opportunity to share and as always - you have my blessing!
I recently had the wonderful privilege to address two-hundred homeless individuals at Mission 615 in Nashville, Tennessee. Upon receiving the invitation to speak, I was extremely anxious and wondered what I might impart to these hurting men and women. Of course, I knew I could always remind them how very much God loves them, but I desired to say much more than that.
That day, I was led to share my own personal testimony. I began by sharing the dreams I had as a child and how unexpected pregnancy at the age of seventeen had brought those dreams to a halt. I shared how difficult it had been for both me and my husband to transition from foot-loose and fancy-free teenagers to spouses, parents, and providers. Depression set in and the disappointment of missed opportunities cut like a knife. With no vision for my future anymore, I suddenly found myself asking, “Now what?”
Proverbs 13:12(a) says, “Unrelenting disappointment leaves the heart sick...” How many of the homeless shared this mindset? As I glanced across the crowd, I wondered how many dead dreams filled the room? How many felt as if they had been placed in God’s discard pile due to failures, mistakes, bad choices, hurts, etc.? Tears streamed down the faces of many as they listened and began to reflect on childhood dreams they had secretly tucked away because of disappointment and life plans that had gone astray.
How many of us can testify that life just has not turned out like we expected? We all begin with dreams and often ten or even twenty years down the road we open our eyes to look around and see that our lives look nothing like we had imagined them to.
I continued my testimony of how one Saturday afternoon shortly after getting married, I was busy cleaning the small apartment my parents had provided us to live in, when the Holy Spirit visited me right there in my living room. I was listening to an Amy Grant cassette when the words to one particular song captured my attention:
“Looking out to the hills
to the setting sun,
I feel a cold wind bound to come;
Another change, Another end I cannot see,
But your faithfulness to me
Is making it alright,
I fall down on my knees;
Tell me that it’s alright.
YOU give me what I need.”
Suddenly, I heard Jesus saying, “If you will surrender your life to ME, I’ve got your back. Everything will be alright.” Right then and there, with no one else in the room, I surrendered my life to Jesus. No, surrendering did not afford me the ability to go back and change the choices I had made in the past, but it did position me for the new thing God desired to do in my life. Isaiah 43:18-19(NCV) The Lord says, “Forget what happened before, and do not think about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it? I will make a road in the desert and rivers in the dry land.”
Every one of us has a destiny! Psalm 139 tells us that before we were ever born, God saw our bodies taking shape in our mother’s womb and HE planned our purpose and destiny and penned it in His book. So, I understand why God says here in Isaiah, “Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it?”
God saw it before you were ever born! He is asking, “DO YOU SEE IT?” God is about the NOW and He is always ready to perform a new thing in your life. He doesn’t need perfect conditions. He doesn’t even need perfect people. He just needs a life that is surrendered to Him. Therefore, when you least expect it or when your circumstances seems impossible He declares “I will make a road in the desert and rivers in the dry land.” GOD WILL MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF YOUR NOTHING!
This year, Steve and I will celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary. We have two beautiful, God-fearing children who are strong and stable. Honestly, I must say that if God had allowed me to fulfill all of my childhood desires, self-made plans and dreams they would never compare to the life He has chosen for me the past twenty-four years. Walking through life, hand in hand with Christ has yielded such fulfillment and deep joy!
Perhaps, through mistakes, disappointments and failures you too feel as if you have somehow landed in God’s discard pile with no vision for the life you always imagined? Maybe you find yourself today asking “Now what?” The great news is...God has no such discard pile and He is not concerned with your past. He is a God of the Now and the important question is, What Will You Do With Today? There is not one thing you can do to rewrite the past, but if you will surrender your life, dreams, and plans complete with all it’s disappointments, hurts, and failures to Jesus then God will rewrite your future.
When our children were younger, we had a rule for disobedience in public. It was taught to them that it may look like you are getting away with your disobedience while we remain in public, but just wait until we get home. You were sure to reap a level of discipline commensurate with your offense.
On one particular weekly trip to Walmart (better known as Wally-World at our house) our son Bryce decided he was going to test the waters with me just a bit. He was four years old. In an attempt to bring his mischief to a halt I took him by the arm and quietly whispered in his ear, “You know the rules, Bryce. When we get home you are going to receive a spanking for your disobedience.” My whisper was certainly more than enough to instantly cure his behavioral issues.
Like any parents, Steve and I pursued consistency in our parenting, attempting to offer our children a distinct foundation in accountability. So, after a few hours passed in our morning of errands and with Bryce suffering no more “behavioral setbacks” I found myself dreading the imminent discipline that was to occur once we arrived home. I kept reassuring myself that I indeed HAD to punish Bryce or I would surely be relaying inconsistency in my parenting skills.
As my thoughts turned over and over privately in my mind, a small voice spoke from the backseat. “Mommie”, Bryce said. “Will you forgive me for being ugly at Walmart?”
My first thought was, “Are you kidding, you little turkey? You are just asking me for forgiveness so you will not have to get your spanking.” Suddenly I thought, “Wait a minute! Bryce has never asked me to forgive him for his disobedience.” The sound of his sweet voice resonated with such sincerity and remorse.
Instantly, the Holy Spirit spoke to me saying, “If you received recompense for every offense you committed you would surely be dead right now. Do you know how many times you have “deserved” punishment, but instead were shown mercy?” A spirit of compassion was released over me in the car and I realized that more important than being dogmatically consistent with my parenting values was the opportunity to show my son the forgiving love of Christ. I quickly accepted his apology and taught him a new, more important lesson that day - repentance.
When we accept God’s forgiveness for the all the wrongs we have committed against Him, we should be grateful and willing to offer that same kind of forgiveness to those who have wronged us. (Mark 11:25-26)
SPRING is in the air with signs of new life appearing everywhere. Along with the glorious sunshine, freshly budding trees, golden daffodils, and the smell of freshly cut grass, Steve and I have a new friend at our house. A relentless bird with a new song! A very loud song that we have never heard before. Oddly, he appears in the early morning hours between two and five o’clock singing so loudly we are both awakened from our sleep. As Steve leaves for work each morning our curiosities are peaked as we search diligently to find the location of our new friend. His voice resounds with dominance though we have never seen him.
Our new friend is a reminder of another dominant voice heard crying out to us. Though He too has never been seen with our eyes, HIS voice can be heard as we prioritize our time to be quiet and still. “Forget what happened before, and do not think about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it? I will make a road in the desert and rivers in the dry land,” says the Lord. (Isaiah 43:18-19 NCV)
God is always desiring to do a new and fresh thing in our lives. He is all about the now. Too often, we continuously set our sights on the disappointments, hurts, failures, and offenses of the past that we never see the new thing God desires to do in our lives TODAY. My friend, you cannot change the past, but you have the awesome privilege of TODAY. What will you do with it?
God is always moving. The important thing is are you moving with Him? He cries out to you, “Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it?” Maybe you are sitting there today saying, “No, I do not see anything, Lord.” I have learned through the years that you must activate the new thing God is longing to do in your life with the eyes of faith before you will ever behold it with the natural eye. God wants to give you a new mindset, new ideas, new joy, new peace, new love, and new power. Will you allow Him to refresh your soul today? He has perfect plans for your life. “I know what I am planning for you, says the Lord. I have good plans for you, not plans to harm you. I will give you hope and a good future.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NCV)
Perhaps you feel stuck in your present existence with no hope of ever propelling forward in life, but our scripture today also reminds us, “I will make a road in the desert and rivers in a dry land.” Nothing is impossible with our God. He can make something out of our nothing. When you least expect it, God will spring forth newness in your life you never dreamed possible.
“It is written, Eye has not seen, neither ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9
In this new spring season, set aside time to bask daily in the presence of God. Soak up His goodness and allow your heart to trust Him like never before. May your 2012 be as beautiful as this new Spring season, bursting forth with glorious light, the smell of glory, and the buds of newness of life in Christ.
In our quest to succeed and lead a joyous life, it is important to ask ourselves a very important question: Am I driven by flesh or led by the Spirit?
Every created being has a destiny. We are known by God even before we become substance in our mother’s womb. Every characteristic of our lives is recorded in God’s book before even one is fashioned. His thoughts toward us are more in number than the sands of the seas.(Psalm 139:14-18) Our lives have great purpose and value.
What career path should I take? Who should I marry? Where should I live? What church should I attend? These are just a few of the decisive questions we face in life. Would it not be beneficial to consult our Maker as we move forward into our future instead of freely making these decisions on our own? After all, who knows us best? Who is more familiar with our talents, gifts, and calling than the One who created us?
Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.” This scripture provides peace to my often weary soul. How comforting it is to know that I am not aimlessly wandering around in this world, left to decide my future alone. I have a Creator who designed me. He is intimately acquainted with me and my future because He destined my future and if I will acknowledge Him in my decision-making processes He will make the right path clear.
Many would say, “God does not have time. Neither does He care about such trivial decisions. He has bigger and better things to take care of in the world.” Left to our own limited human understanding, we are driven to make life decisions based on need, emotion and desire which can often be deceiving and lead us down a path of unfulfillment. I have had many desires in life that after carefully seeking God’s will were determined to be unfruitful. I am thankful for the guidance of the faithful Holy Spirit early in my life. I look back now and see the many times I chose to trust His plan instead of my own and I have never been disappointed or led astray. He has been and continues to be my Great Shepherd.
Several times in scripture we see Jesus being “led” by the Holy Spirit. He knew His purpose. He did not come to earth to fulfill His own plan, but the will of His Father. Jesus Christ Himself submitted to the plan and purposes of God. What makes us any different? You and I are sojourners in this foreign land. We are ambassadors and representatives of His great kingdom. Romans 12:2 reminds us that our reasonable service is to offer our lives as living sacrifices unto God Almighty, surrendering freely our will and plan to His.
At first, it may seem difficult to relinquish self-made plans and desires because the flesh loves being in control, but when we learn to trust that God has our best interest at heart we can accept that His plan is ultimately best for our lives anyway. He knows you inside and out, from beginning to end. Learn to acknowledge and trust Him with all of your decisions. You will never be disappointed. He is speaking to you today, “Lift your sail, child of God, and allow My Spirit to blow you any which way I choose. Trust in My guidance, for I created you and I know the future. I am able to lead you to the blessed life you have always dreamed of.” You can live peacefully in uncharted territory when you learn to trust the captain of your sail.
Remember, the Lord IS your shepherd. You shall not want. He leads you beside still waters. He leads you in paths of righteousness...Psalm 23
Can you remember the day you began your journey with Christ? For me, I was eighteen years old and at a crossroads in my life, sitting on my living room floor listening to an Amy Grant cassette tape. Yes, a cassette tape! If you are under the age of twenty you probably don’t even know what I am referring to. However, you older men and women can fully relate. I remember the day like it was yesterday. The title of the song was, It’s Gonna Be Alright and as I listened to the lyrics I actually felt Jesus say to me, “It’s gonna be alright, Jeneen.” Young, pregnant and uncertain of my future it was right there on the floor of my living room that I surrendered my life to Christ. I have never looked back!
So many Christians start well, but the prize shall be given to those who finish. Paul spoke to us about this very thing in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. “Remember that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize. You also must run in such a way that you will win. All athletes practice strict self-control. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So, I run straight toward the goal with purpose in every step. I am not like a boxer who misses his punches. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do as it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.”
We must keep our eye on the prize of eternal life and lead a diligently,disciplined life because there are so many distractions.
1. Guard Your Mind - Proverbs 23:7 declares, “For as a man thinks, so is he.” What we subject our minds to (what we see, listen to, associate with, etc.) is crucial because the battle for a successful life is fought in the mind. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 reminds us that the weapons of our success are not found in the natural, physical, carnal realm, but in the mind. It is our responsibility to fill our minds with the Word of God and to be ready at all times to avenge that Word by casting down any thoughts or imaginations that speak against Truth. Everyone has a negative, contrary thought at one time or another, but it is our responsibility to recognize the error and bring that particular thought into captivity - rendering it powerless. Romans 12:2, “Be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” A renewed mind is a mind in agreement with God’s Word!
2. Guard your Influence - “Be not Deceived! Evil communications corrupt good manners!” We often underestimate the power of bad influence. While God does expect us to be His light of love to the entire world, He encourages us to fellowship with like-minded people of the faith. Jesus associated and ministered to the multitudes, but He chose to be in fellowship on a regular basis with only twelve. Christians often allow unbelievers into their inner circle of relationships believing they can both influence and change them, but God never intended this. Too often the sin, actions, beliefs and mindset of the unbeliever negatively impact the believer. This is why 2 Corinthians 6:14 says, “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers: For what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness?” Most of the time we associate this verse with marriage, but in scripture it is not written to us in the context of marriage . It is a command for every tight-knit relationship we may develop,whether personal or business. A Christian is not to be “in fellowship” with unbelievers. Once again, understand the difference between association and fellowship. We can and should “associate” with unbelievers, sharing the Light of Truth and love with them. However, we are commanded NOT to be in constant fellowship with unbelievers. Galatians 5:7-9(NLT) “You were getting along so well. Who has interfered with you to hold you back from obeying the truth? It certainly isn’t God, for He is the One who called you to freedom. It only takes one wrong person among you to infect all the others- a little yeast spreads quickly through the whole batch of dough!” Be wise and carefully guard the inner circle of your life. Surround yourself with like-minded men and women of the faith who share the ability to sharpen lives. Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”
3. Guard Your Heart - “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on Whom our faith depends from start to finish...” Hebrews 12:1(NLT) How many of you know what I mean when I say SIN is a weighty matter? It is such a heavy burden to carry. Sin separates and serves only to weigh us down with guilt and condemnation, ultimately hindering our relationship with Christ. Take a few moments to evaluate your life today. Then, be willing to obey and lay aside any sin that is weighing you down and impeding your future progress. Practice forward with determination...and never take your eyes off of Jesus and the goal of eternal life!
My earnest prayer for you today is that you would be whole in Christ and full of joy. I count it the greatest privilege to know Him and to also be known OF Him...
One of my favorite scriptures is found in Hebrews 11:6. “Without Faith it is impossible to please Him; for he who comes to God must first believe that HE IS GOD and that HE IS A REWARDER OF THEM WHO DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM!” I recently heard a profound statement that brought such revelation.
“The Spirit –realm is reality.”
So often in life, we receive a promise from the Lord.They arrive in many different ways: when we read the Bible, in quiet time with the Lord as He quietly speaks to our spirits, or even through a word of prophecy spoken from another member in the body of Christ.Many times, after we have received the promise as our own and begin the journey to fulfillment, LIFE and other VOICES begin to speak against our promise, declaring it impossible.I have learned to live by “what saith the Lord” and not by “what saith Jeneen, or what saith my emotions, or what saith my circumstances, or even by what my eyes are beholding in this tangible, natural realm.”All of these can be deceiving if we rely on their declaration instead of the voice of Almighty God.Rarely, will the promise of God look anything like your present circumstances.Thus, the very reason God commanded us to, “Walk by faith and not by sight.”
Scripture clearly points out three enemies of Faith:
1.Unbelief- God gave Abraham the promise that he would become the father of many nations, but in the natural realm there was just one problem.His age!Abraham was one hundred years old and past the age of producing even one child, let alone a nation of children. Nevertheless, I love what Romans 4:20-21 says, “Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in his faith, giving glory to God and being fully persuaded that what God promised, He was fully able to perform.”Like us, Abraham had a choice to believe or not believe!Never look to your circumstances for assurance of the promise! Just believe God!
2.{C}Wavering Faith- James 1:6-8 warns, “For He that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.Let not this man think that he shall receive anything from the Lord.A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” Like a wave, wavering faith is driven by belief one day and doubt the next.Wavering faith believes God until the battle gets tough.It will believe God until outside voices and circumstances drown out truth.Wavering faith rises high and falls hard. The promise will never be fulfilled through wavering faith.
3. Faith without endurance- You may not suffer with unbelief or wavering faith, but there is yet another enemy lurking in our midst.Trusting in God’s timing is a crucial element to receiving the promise.Promises are assigned to seasons in your life. Sometimes, God gives you a promise in one season that is meant to be fulfilled in another. Often, when the promise is not fulfilled in "our proper timing" we give up and when we give up, we forfeit the promise. Hebrews 10:35-36, “Cast not away therefore your confidence, which has great recompense of reward.For you have need of patience(endurance); that after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise.”
2 Peter 3:9 promises, “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise as some consider slackness to be...
Habakkuk 2:3, “Slowly, steadily, surely the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled.If it seems slow, wait patiently.For it will surely come.It will not be delayed.”
God longs to fulfill His promises to you and as His beloved children we must understand this is a partnership.We have a part to play.We have to be relentlessly proactive in our faith.Never give up.Keep pressing.Continue to believe and proclaim what God promised you.You will see it come to pass if you do not doubt, waver or give up.
Ephesians 2:8 tells us…”By grace you have been saved through faith.”
Galatians 3:26 says… “For you are the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.”
Romans 5:1 declares… “Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Romans 3:22 confirms… “Even the righteousness of God which is by faith in Jesus Christ unto all and upon all who believe.”
Our entire salvation experience is wrought by FAITH!
Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
Therefore, faith is the firm belief in something for which there is no proof.
So, I ask you today, have you at any time seen Jesus Christ? Did you witness His atoning death on the cross as proof for your belief? Were you present when He arose from the dead and ascended to the right hand of the Father?
No! We receive Jesus and these acts by faith.
So, IF we possess adequate faith for salvation why do we find it difficult or next to impossible to exhibit faith on a daily basis - trusting God to meet our needs and offer direction for our lives?
I have discovered that faith for daily living is rooted in intimacy with God. Intimacy is a product of quality time spent alone with another. True intimacy is not developed quickly. It is acquired through prolonged association. Intimacy will eventually breed trust and I have learned that whatever people trust, they will also have faith in.
My husband, Steve and I have been married twenty-four years this year. In our twenty-four years of intimacy and taking time to really get to know and understand each other, I have discovered exactly what he desires; his likes and dislikes. He has proven to be faithful to me in all of his ways. I can believe what he says. I can trust him to do what he says he is going to do. I have faith in Steve.
Equally as important, Steve has also learned to trust me. He has discovered that I am for him and not against him and that I long to be good to him all the days of my life. He has developed a keen sense of what I like and dislike and not only has he discovered my desires, but lives to fulfill them. Steve has faith in me.
My intimacy with God is much like my relationship with Steve. I know God intimately through His Word. I am acquainted with His heartbeat,His pleasures and dislikes. I have discovered what He thinks of me and that His plan for me is good. He exists to bless ME with all goodness and fulfill His Word through MY life. He is closely acquainted with my desires because He gave me those desires first. The God of the universe has proven to be faithful to me personally.
Intimacy with God has produced a trust and a confidence that allows me to take Him at His Word. This trust provides the faith I need to read the Bible and accept God’s Word as provision for MY journey.
People are always saying to me, “Jeneen, I just wish I had more faith!”
And I say to that - spend daily, quality time with God. Become intimately acquainted with Him. Discover who He really is and who He longs to be in your life on a personal level. Soon, that intimacy will produce a faith that allows you to believe that God is for you - not against you - and that all of His promises belong to YOU personally.